Portfolio Companies
Carbon Gold Ltd.
Carbon Gold produces a range of biochar-based composts, fertilizers and soil improvers that are approved for organic agriculture by the Soil Association. The biochar formulas help retain moisture, make nutrients more available, and activate plants' natural defense systems against soil borne fungal and bacterial infections. Carbon Gold also develops and produces biochar pyrolysis kilns. Carbon Gold is committed to helping growers and gardeners get the best possible results by growing sustainably with biochar, while making a real difference to climate change by locking carbon into the soil.
Sunlight Photonics
Sunlight Photonics develops solar airborne wireless communications systems and services. The company was founded by a team of former Bell Labs and Lockheed Martin scientists and engineers who are developing High-Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) solar aircraft which incorporate advanced airframe designs, photovoltaic power systems, and solar avionics. The company has adopted an innovative approach for meeting mission requirements by distributing electronic payloads across a Sunfleet™ of relatively small aircraft flying in formation, rather than a single much larger platform. Sunfleet technologies enable greater resilience and mission flexibility to reduce the cost of delivering very high levels of reliability for broadband wireless and computing services.
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